Around The World

A good traveler has no fixed plans,and is not intent on arriving.~Lao Tzu The traveller sees what he sees.The tourist sees what he has come to see.~G.K.Chesterton

   There are thousands of interesting and beautiful places in the world,and it would be impossible to write about all that here and a life wouldn't be enough to visit that all:)

At the beginning i would like to write about the different places of Australia.

Before starting to visit the places some general datas about Australia.

  • Australia is the oldest continent in the world,which is located in Oceania.It is a continent between the Indian Ocean and the South Pacific Ocean.
  • It's area is about 7,741,220 sq km,but only 58,920 sq km of it is water.
  • The population in Australia is about 21-22 million
  • Most of them speak English(about 80%),but there also some other languages,such as Chinese, Italian, Greek and Arabian etc.
  • The Australian currency is the Australian dollar
  • It's lowest point is Lake Eyre with 15 m and  highest point is Mount Kosciuszko with 2,229 m.
  • Australia is the driest continent after Antartica, which makes it the driest inhabited continent on earth.

  • The capital is Canberra but there are many other big cities with lots of sights,like Sydney,Perth,Newcastle etc.

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Oldal: Australia-the oldest continent
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